Instrumenting Go Binaries for Integration Test Coverage


Instrument a Go binary in such a way that when it executes, I can calculate the code coverage during the lifespan of its execution.


A while back one of my coworkers developed an integration test suite. Given a runtime of our code, it would make some API calls and make assertions on the database results. These kinds of test suites are excellent: you get feedback on whether your changes have impacted existing behavior (or if you’re practicing Test Driven Development, whether your changes work as expected). Since this was a new tool, I wanted to measure the coverage of the test suite. This way, we could intelligently pick what test data to use in the suite and ensure we’re covering all desired code paths.


First Pass: MVP

First, we need to write a test for the main function. The goal is for execution to flow through this test and into main. The test function needs to exit of its own accord in order for the coverage data to be written, so let’s just wait a bit.

package main
import (

func Test_main(t *testing.T) {
    go main()
    time.Sleep(1 * time.Minute)

We immediately fork off a goroutine for main() to do the actual work, while the original test thread spends the rest of its time waiting to quit. We are being a bit rude to the test suite: as our execution returns from the test function, the leaked main() goroutine is killed.

Now we build the test binary, specifying that all packages' coverage should be measured

go test -c -covermode=atomic -coverpkg=all -o app.debug

Finally, we run the instrumented binary and specify where to store the coverage data

./app.debug -test.coverprofile=functest.cov

After invoking the instrumented binary, we have 60 seconds to test before the window stops and the coverage data is written. It works fine, but leaves a lot to be desired.

Second Pass: Stopping

Ideally our function should gracefully handle ^C SIGINTs and provide a timeout for scenarios where sending a SIGINT isn’t feasible (like build pipelines). There’s many more options here: HTTP kill endpoints, reading timeouts from environment variables, etc… Again, the point of this test function is just “run main(), and gracefully stop when the testing is done”. A sample to support SIGINT alongside a timeout looks like this:

func Test_main(t *testing.T) {
    go main()
    c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
    signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt)
    select {
        case <- c:
        case <- time.After(1 * time.Minute):

Our builds and invocations remain the same:

go test -c -covermode=atomic -coverpkg=all -o app.debug
./app.debug -test.coverprofile=functest.cov

Third Pass: Code worth keeping

The above two solutions share the same problem: the test is treated as a normal unit test. During the course of normal development these tests would execute, causing long waits and creating unwanted coverage data. To resolve this we can add a build constraint to enforce this file is only built when specifically desired. The only code change is adding the build tag at the top of the file:

// +build manual-integration

package main
import (

func Test_main(t *testing.T) {
    go main()
    c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
    signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt)
    select {
        case <- c:
        case <- time.After(1 * time.Minute):

At compilation time we need to specify the manual-integration tag

go test -c -tags=manual-integration -covermode=atomic -coverpkg=all -o app.debug
./app.debug -test.coverprofile=functest.cov

This allows us to keep the test around as long as it is in its own file. The test can safely be committed and won’t impact any existing usage, as it must manually be invoked via the build tag.